Linux is an operating system like DOS, Windows, MacOS, ...
Currently I'm using Mageia Linux distribution with KDE Plasma desktop.
There are several packages (e.g. LibreOffice, Firefox browser, VLC media player, GIMP ...) in it, you can choose at install and can modify them later at Control Center.
You can easily install addon packages, - like e.g. Google Chrome, - from their website.
I'm developing this site on a locally installed webserver (Apache,PHP, MariaDB), so there are server packages also available in it. I have contributed and tested on this local server a Drupal Module - Evaluate forms were made by Webform module
Wide range of developer / compiler tools are available for developing in asm, c++, qt5, java, html, php, mysql, opengl, ... so far some external solution e.g. Android Studio.
I've been using Linuxes approximately since 1994. I've tried different distributions like Debian, Fedora, Mandriva,... too. I think I can do anything with Linux I would like to, You can choose some example from the menu.
3D War game for Linux
You can play with historical vehicles (planes, tanks, ...) worldwide.
Fractal generation, Mandelbrot set, Julia set
Simple test with a dualcone and more 3d objects:
River fishing is an interesting way to catch fishes in a flowing water...
Me and my friends spent good days at Lake Warali in Baja.
I tried different Lake, they say there are big fishes. Every time I had fished here I caught 4+ carps too.
You can buy USB FLASH DRIVES and MP3/MP4/MP5 PLAYERS with FAKE memory sizes on the Internet!
Visitcount (since 2021-05-30): 1285