Most of the Linux Distributions has a several free game in it. Also you can download more.
Usually people think that Linux is a character based system like old DOS, but that is not true. You can chose different graphical interfaces: e.g. Gnome, KDE. I'm using KDE with Plasma desktop which has OpenGL capabilities too, So I can play 3D games through OpenGL.
There are some cross-platform game engines, so the developers can create games for Linuxes too easier with e.g.: Unity or Unreal engine. But not all of the games built with them.
If you would like, you can download my puzzle created from my photo from chrysanthemum :
Chrysanthemum.tar.gz (220 pieces)
"Tux Racer is a simple OpenGL-based racing game featuring Tux, the Linux Penguin. The object of the game is to slide down a snow- and ice-covered mountain as quickly as possible, avoiding the trees and rocks that will slow you down."
3D War game for Linux
My invitation link:
Several games that can be played through steam.
You can buy games from them, also they have some games for free.
You just have to install steam client to your Linux. Mageia has a compatible package in it. Not all the game compatible with all the Linuxes, you can check if that game is SteamOS+Linux compatible.
It is multi-player action game from Valve and it is free to try/play.
I like this game, happily it works on Linux through Steam client.
I like fishing, if you would like to try, I think it is a good start to learn things about fishing.
A good strategy game.
A good 3D adventure,logic game like Portal with more tests and multiplayer capability.
Several games that can be played on Linux.
A good adventure game. Unfortunately I had to install some old 32bit libraries to run with sound.
A cute adventure game.
3D War game for Linux
You can play with historical vehicles (planes, tanks, ...) worldwide.
Fractal generation, Mandelbrot set, Julia set
Simple test with a dualcone and more 3d objects:
River fishing is an interesting way to catch fishes in a flowing water...
Me and my friends spent good days at Lake Warali in Baja.
I tried different Lake, they say there are big fishes. Every time I had fished here I caught 4+ carps too.
You can buy USB FLASH DRIVES and MP3/MP4/MP5 PLAYERS with FAKE memory sizes on the Internet!
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